Would you like to be funnier?
Learn the tricks and performance methods that great comedians use to turn observations and recollections into laugh-out-loud funny stories. Whether you want to bring laughter to your social events, business communication, presentations, the classroom, or even try your hand at stand-up comedy, this coaching will provide you with the insights and skills you need.
The ability to make people laugh is a skill you are born with.
Babies are funny. Children are funny. They can’t help it. But as we ‘mature’, many of us become ‘serious’ and lose touch with our playful natural humour. The comedian is someone who has been making jokes or telling amusing stories since they were children. As soon as these ‘class clowns’ felt the rush that comes with making a group of people burst out laughing, they were hooked. With experience and practice they learned the art of finding the funny.
Your instructor, John Knowles, is an experienced comedy writer/performer, working actor, improviser, professional storyteller, corporate speaker, and sloppy harmonica player.
He will guide you through a wide range of comedic exercises, custom resources and performance feedback. You’ll learn how to write jokes and one-liners, use physical humour, target material to specific audiences, and most importantly, find authentic humour in your real life thoughts and events. John’s style is part classroom, part interview, part journaling and part stagecraft training. You will hone your powers of observation and sharpen your wit, wordplay and waggish ripostes.
John has made a career out of helping people to discover their own unique comic perspective.
By exploring personal history and life-perspective, its peculiarities and its challenges, John helps individuals to identify and develop their own comedic style and sweet spot. You will find the raw material for your own humour by rummaging through memories, dissecting personal interactions and re-enacting relationship scenarios. You’ll be taught how to mine your upbringing, your work-life, your daily activities and your friends and partners for subject matter and comic observations.
Once you’ve learned the methods for creating humour, you can apply them anywhere. Be funnier around your friends, display your sense of humour when meeting strangers, spice up your speeches, punch up presentations and ensure that you get the audience instantly on your side. Laughter makes people remember you and your message.
The Finding the Funny in You coaching experience must be enjoyable or it fails. If you and John are not doing lots of laughing, ask for your money back. Unleashing your confident comedic side opens all kinds of doors. Past students say that it has changed their lives. Try it, I dare ya.